July 1, 2021-June 30, 2022
From the President:
Fiscal year 2022 was a monumental year not only for Community Living, but also for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD).
The state FY22 budget included an increase in our service reimbursement rates, which allowed us to increase wages to help retain our dedicated workforce. The staffing shortage continued, however, and Governor Parson recognized that continued support of our services was necessary. He recommended a record amount of new funding in the FY23 budget to greatly increase provider reimbursement rates. Optimistic that the legislature would approve this new funding, we began planning for unprecedented increases in staff wages, needed to be competitive in attracting staff in such a tight labor market. Governor Parson signed the FY2023 budget at the end of FY22, setting the stage for a strong and hopeful FY2023. More high-quality staff means a better quality of life for individuals with I/DD.
All other funding partners continued their flexibility and strong support to keep the services going. We were able to gradually increase in-person services to more individuals and get back out in our community again.
Plans for organizational structure changes per our strategic plan came to fruition. Positions were added and/or re-evaluated to better position the organization for stability and optimal growth and to ensure everyone had “do-able” jobs. Our succession plan was utilized to prepare for my retirement in FY23. The naming of Sheri Wiltse as the new President and CEO will ensure a smooth transition.
Looking back, FY2022 was a year of preparations. The many changes that were implemented are investments in the future for Community Living, Inc., the individuals we serve and their families, our amazing staff, and all our stakeholders in the greater St. Charles County community. Leaving the organization after 36 years will be difficult, but I am so optimistic and excited to be launching Community Living into a bright new era of successfully ensuring people with disabilities achieve their highest potential.
Barb Griffith, President and CEO of Community Living, Inc.
Community Living, Inc. is committed to excellence and compassion in providing innovative services for people with disabilities.
Participant Demographics

Male: 66%
Female: 34%

0-5: 2%
6-9: 10%
10-14: 16%
15-19: 21%
20-34: 27%
35-54: 16%
55-64: 6%
65+: 2%

Autism: 42.9%
Intellectual Disability: 23.5%
Unknown: 13%
Cerebral Palsy: 3.5%
Chromosomal Disorder: 3.3%
Down Syndrome: 3.2%
Childhood Emotional Disorder: 2.7%
Learning Disability: 2.6%
Epilepsy: 1.5%
Phonological Disorder: 1.5%
Other: 2.3%

Caucasian: 74%
Unknown: 13%
African-American: 9%
Asian: 2%
Multi-Racial: 2%
Other: 1%
Board of Directors
Mika Walter, Chair
BJC Christian Hospital
Cort MacBeth Smith, Vice Chair
Smith Estates & Trust, LLC
Joe Schneider, Past Chair
Schneider Commercial Partners
Mary Alsup-Niedergerke, Treasurer
First State Wealth Advisors
Sue Bazzell, Secretary
Retired, BJC-per diem at SSM
Joe Armour
1st Advantage Bank
Kevin D. DeSain
Retired, The Clayton Engineering Company, Inc.
Laura DeVries
CommCore Marketing, LLC
Michael Ebers
STERIS Corporation
Joe Hallemeier
Fort Zumwalt School District
Thomas E. Howat
Retired, Modern Ice Equipment & Supply
Kelly Ross Kerr
Compass Health Network
Ronald King
Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
Barb Huber Koch
Health Insurance Broker
Dave Lehmann
Lutheran Trust/Church Asset Management
Jan Mason
Fastsigns of St. Peters
Carolee P. Patek
Retired, St. Louis University
Laurie Strickland
Partners in Mission
Christy Weber
Lutheran Foundation of St. Louis/Send Me St. Louis
Events Recap
Swing Fore Kids Golf Tournament
August 6, 2021 at The Links at Dardenne
Gross Profit: $29,490
Net Profit: $19,170.24
- Flight A 1st Place Winner: Acropolis Investment Team
- Flight A 2nd Place Winner: Jeff Strickland Team
- Flight B 1st Place Winner: B. Moore Team
- Flight B 2nd Place Winner: EverSpring RX Team
- Closest to the Keg: Linda O’Donnell
- Straightest Drive: Tom Brenner
- Longest Drive (Male): James Henderson
- Longest Drive (Female): Debi Turner
- Skins: $120 Eagle on 10 Bob Moore’s Team and $120 Eagle on 8 Richard Pallardy’s Team
October 2, 2021 at Lions Club of Harvester
Gross Profit: $6,359
Net Profit: $4,474.44
36 Teams
- 1st Place: Brower Team
- 2nd Place: Emmaus Homes
Legacy Ball
February 26, 2022 at St. Charles Convention Center
Gross Profit: $143,471
Net Profit: $84,653.57
Honoree: Strickland Family
Silent Auction Packages Donated: 116
Most Bids: Silver Eagle Coin Basket
Wine and Dine: Sold Out
Jewelry Pull: Sold Out
Spontaneous Ask: Goal Surpassed
We envision a community where ALL people lead fulfilling lives.
Financial Information

- State and Federal Fees for Services: $7,891,942
- Developmental Disabilities Resource Board (CCRB): $3,025,039
- COVID Grants and Paycheck Protection Program Loan: $823,768
- Program Fees (Private Pay): $200,816
- United Way: $229,899
- Fundraising: $377,999
- Other: -$60,191
- The Community and Children’s Resource Board of St. Charles County (CCRB): $69,639
Total: $12,558,911

- Residential Services: $5,173,126
- Support Services for Adults: $2,434,179
- Administrative: $1,948,826
- In-Home Respite: $813,911
- SOAR: $930,085
- Respite Care Home: $884,275
- Adult Recreation: $354,836
- Employment Services: $361,868
- Respite Center: $241,862
- Development: $289,394
Total: $13,432,362
Current Assets: $6,527,166
Fixed Assets: $6,268,372
Other Assets: $510,036
Total Assets:
Liabilities & Net Assets
Current Liabilities: $1,251,639
Total Net Assets: $12,053,935
Total Liabilities & Net Assets:
Annual Partners
Premier Partner

Prominent Partner
Rick and Mary Leach and Family
Distinguished Partners

![carrollton_log[1] Carrollton Bank Logo](https://mycomliving.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/19114910/carrollton_log1.jpg)

Dave and Sue Bazzell

Key Partners

Jeffery and Mika Walter

Foundational Partners
Carolee Patek
Christian Foods/McDonalds
CommCore Marketing
Major Funders

Thank You, Donors!
$10,000 and Above
Andrew’s Hugs
Lake Forest Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. David Rozanc, Jr.
$5,000 and Above
Anheuser Busch Matching Gift
Employees Community Fund of Boeing St Louis
Gateway Fire Protection Systems, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Howat
Ms. Nancy Jeffrey and Mr. Robb Jeffrey
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Johannesman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leach
Mr. John Seese
$1,000 and Above
Acropolis Investment Management, LLC
Ameren Missouri
Bayer – Matching Gift
BJC HealthCare
Carrollton Bank
Community and Children’s Resource Board of St Charles County
Cuivre River Electric Community Trust
Denny & Associates, Inc
Edward Jones
Everspring Rx
First State Bank
GFI Digital / Gibbs Technology
Hackmann Lawn & Landscape, LLC
Innovation Mechanical, Inc
Jerry Kelly Heating & Air Conditioning
Knights of Columbus – O’Fallon Council No 2269
Mission Solutions Technology
Pickett Ray & Silver, Inc
Progressive Insurance Foundation Matching Gifts
RX Systems, Inc
State Farm Insurance Agency – Janet Grafeman
Ms. Carolyn Balfany and Mr. David Balfany
Mr. and Mrs. David Bazzell
Mr. George Black and Ms. Michael Leigh Harbour
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Boschert
Mr. and Mrs. John Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chac
Mr. Rene and Mrs. Kelly Cope
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dent
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dozier
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fricke
Mr. Jason Gertken and Mrs. Erin Gertken
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hamilton
Mrs. Evelyn Hawthorne
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Huning
Dr. and Mrs. John Hylton
Ms. Carolyn Koenig and Mr. Ronald Koenig
Mr. Jeff Lechner and Ms. Erin Lechner
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. McCoy
Mr. Jacob McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. David Millar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
Mr. Robert Niedergerke and Ms. Mary Alsup-Niedergerke
Mr. and Ms. Dan O’Donnell
Mr. Robert Oker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palitzsch
Ms. Carolee Patek
Mr. Zach Plackemeier
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. John Regensburger
Mr. Mark Reuther
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schneider
Mr. Keith Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sowatsky
Mr. and Mrs. David Swain
Mr. Bill Tadeja
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vetter
Mr. and Mrs. Cory Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Westphal
Mrs. Tracy Whiteside and Mr. Don Whiteside
Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wisor
$500 and Above
Bax Engineering Co
Boone Center Inc.
Beck & Lenox Estate Planning & Elder Law, LLC
Benco Industrial Equipment, LLC
Boeing Employee Individual Giving Program
Integrated Payroll Services
Lang Insurance Service, Inc
Law Office of Daniel G. O’Donnell, LC
Markell Estate Planning and Elder Law
Missouri and Kansas Laborers District Council
Moneta Group, LLC
New Balance Athletic Shoe Matching Gift Program
Pallardy Heating & Cooling
Sams Carpet Service, Inc
St Louis Community Foundation GIVE STL Day
Takeda Employee Match
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Alsup
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Birkner
Ms. Lisa Bray
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Budrovich
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cissell
Ms. Julie Clever and Mr. Russ Clever
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cook
Mr. Darren Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Donahue
Mr. Chip Dozier
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Duello
Mr. Clay Ebert
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Eisenbath
Mr. Edward Eisenhart
Mrs. Marie Fitz
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Flick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Foulks
Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Foust
Mr. and Mrs. David Giarla
Ms. Janet L. Grafeman
Mr. James Haftarczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hampton
Mr. William Hargrove and Ms. Fran Steininger
Ms. Alice Hensen
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hercules
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kachevas
Ms. Heather Kemper
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Kessler
Mr. Will Killeen and Mrs. Shannon Killeen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip King
Mr. and Ms. Ben Likens
Ms. Kim Lorenz and Mr. Tim Lorenz
Mr. James McCurren
Ms. Kim Mertz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mohrmann
Mrs. Gerri Nold
Ms. Amy Palmatier and Dan M. Palmatier
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reuter
Mr. Gregg and Mrs. Jodie Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. William Sneed
Mr. Dave Spies and Mrs. Julie Spies
Mrs. Laura Stark
Mr. and Mrs. John Tigges
Mr. Jeffery Walter and Mrs. Mika Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wansing
Ms. Kristin Williams
Mr. and Mrs. David Woods
$100 and Above
Academy of the Sacred Heart
AmazonSmile Foundation
Armanino Foundation
Baue Funeral Homes
Benevity, Inc
Boschert and Son Homes Inc.
Charleytown Families
Cosmo Corporation
Cottleville/Weldon Springs Chamber of Commerce
Danceabilities School of Dance
Diana Holdinghausen Insurance Agency, Inc.
Family Advocacy & Community Training
Master’s Touch Automobile
O’Fallon Fire Protection District
On the Run @ Mobil
Peoples Bank & Trust
Psychological Network, Inc
Public School House
Reinsurance Group of America – Company Match
Rottler Pest and Lawn Solutions
Sams Carpet Cleaning and Repairs
Scholastic Testing Service, Inc
Scotsman Coin and Jewelry
Siemer Enterprises
Smith Estates & Trusts, LLC
St Charles County
St Charles County Family YMCA
State Farm Companies Foundation Matching Gift
State Farm Insurance – John Wills
STL Shirt Co
UMB Bank
United Services for Children
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson
Mrs. Julie M. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Aubuchon
Ms. Karen Balakas
Mrs. Linda Bannister
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Barclay
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Barkey, Sr.
Ms. MaDonna Barnes
Mrs. Jane Baum and Mr. Ron Baum
Mrs. Betty Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bell
Mr. Richard Bickert and Mrs. Susan Bickert
Ms. Cindy Blaylock
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Keith Bolton
Mrs. Jo Ann Borgmeyer
Mr. Bob Boston
Ms. Jennifer Braden
Ms. Barbara Lee Brown
Ms. Rosemary Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Buchholtz
Mr. Jason Buescher
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Burkemper
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burnett
Mr. Stephen Bynum
Mr. Aaron Callihan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Campbell
Mrs. Virginia J. Cannon
Mr. Mike Caraffa and Mrs. Bev Caraffa
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carlile
Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Chautin
Mr. James Chilson
Mr. and Mrs. David Christian
Mr. Jordan Christie
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Comotto
Ms. Jennifer Compton
Mr. ‘Andy Conover
Mr. Gregg Cordes
Mr. Kevin Corrigan and Mrs. Katie Corrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dale-Derks
Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Delcourt
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Denny
Mr. Kevin D. DeSain and Mrs. Nancy Cope DeSain
Mr. and Mrs. John Dishian
Mr. John Ditch
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Dubray
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ebbinghaus
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ehlmann
Mr. and Ms. Jeffry Englert
Ms. Dianne Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Filler
Mr. Mark Francis and Mrs. Tammy Francis
Ms. Lisa Fry
Mr. and Mrs. J. Todd Gentry
Ms. Sherry Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Goode
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Green
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Grieshaber
Mr. and Mrs. David Grieshaber
Ms. Alison Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grosch
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haberberger
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hackmann
Mr. Joseph E. Hallemeier
Ms. Abigail Harman
Ms. Angie Harness
Mr. Thomas Harrison
Mrs. Carolyn Harting and Mr. Tim Harting
Ms. Cynthia Hembrough
Ms. Cheryl Hibbeler
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. William Hill
Ms. Tammi Hilton
Ms. Susan Hoernschemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Honerkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Howat
Mr. George Hruza
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hull
Mrs. Ruth E. Huning
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hunt
Mrs. Karin Hyatt
Ms. Jane Janis
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Kahrhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keithley
Ms. Gail Kenley
Mrs. Tara Keune
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald King
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kistner
Mr. Ronald Kloppenburg
Mr. and Mrs. David Kocs
Ms. Margaret Korte and Mr. Arthur Korte
Dr. and Dr. M. Stefan Kosmowski
Mr. and Mrs. John Krekeler
Mr. Jason Kuhl
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kullman
Ms. Erica Land
Mrs. Kathleen Lane
Mrs. Gail Lauer
Mrs. Laraine Lauritzen
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lawless
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Leidholdt
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Leight
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lesniak
Ms. Charlyn Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Liebel
Mr. Keith Liston and Mrs. Jeanne Liston
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lott, II
Ms. Carol Jean Ludwig
Ms. Susan M. Luetkenhaus
Mrs. Genevieve Luetkenhaus Holt
Mr. and Mrs. John Luth
Ms. Mary Macke
Ms. Barber MacKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mager
Ms. Molly Maher
Mrs. Judy Mahon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Marfisi
Ms. Jean Marshall
Ms. Joan and Ms. Paula Mass
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. McGinley
Mr. Mike McGowan and Mrs. Pam McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Don Messner
Ms. Jill Miles and Mr. Steve Miles
Ms. Joyce Miller
Mr. Theodore Molitor
Mrs. Ruby Moon
Mr. Bob Moore
Ms. Suzie Moore
Mrs. Debra Morrison and Dr. Stephen Morrison, MD
Mr. Ryan Motts
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Mummert
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Nelson
Ms. Joanne Noble
Ms. Donna O’Donnell
Ms. Kathleen O’Donnell
Ms. Jennifer Overmann
Mr. Joe Pagano and Mrs. Michelle Pagano
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pashos
Mr. Larry Petralia
Ms. Erin A. Piel
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Pitzer
Mr. Brad Prewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pund
Mr. Simon Pursifull and Mrs. Vickie Pursifull
Ms. Margo Quinlan
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Quinlan
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Rector
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Reilly
Ms. Barbara Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. David Robben
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roesch
Mr. Timothy Ryan
Mrs. Lori Sandy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schappe
Mr. Jason Schmidt
Mr. Kevin Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schmidt
Mrs. Nancy Seals
Ms. Melissa Setser
Mrs. Sue Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Sharpe
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Shelley
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Siders
Mr. and Mrs. James Skellett
Ms. Cimone Skrzekut
Ms. Britani Slade
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sommer
Mrs. Gwen Souza
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Spielberg
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spring
Dr. Nick Stahlschmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Stauder
Ms. Megan Stitt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strickland
Mr. Dennis Strickland
Mrs. Laurie Strickland
Mrs. Jeanie Strickland
Mrs. Susan Strickland
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Stufflebam
Mr. Gary Swoboda
Mrs. Janice Tasker
Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Marc Thro
Mr. and Mrs. Arburn Tindall
Ms. Roberta Truetken
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Trumann
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Valvero
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vineyard
Mrs. Jane Von Elling
Ms. Dolores Wadle
Mr. Ched Wagner
Mr. Richard Wahlbrink
Ms. Linda Wamboldt
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel Ware
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Watson
Mr. and Mrs. David Weber
Ms. Ruth Wessler
Ms. Juanita Westhues
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Westhues
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Whipple
Mr. Mike Williams
Ms. Sheri Wiltse
Ms. Melissa Winkeler
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Worth
Mr. Ronald Wussler
Mr. Craig Yodis and Ms. Michelle Martin-Yodis
Mrs. Marilyn Young
Mr. Eric Zvanut
$100 and Above
Academy of the Sacred Heart
Anonymous – Legacy Ball
April’s on Main
Bogey Hills Country Club
Boys & Girls Club of St Charles County
City Lifestyle
Craft Alliance Center
Creative Visions Photography
Dale Carnegie Missouri
Endangered Wolf Center
Fast Signs St Peters
G&W Engineering
Gateway Grizzlies
Heiland Chiropractic
Jake’s on Main
Kendra Scott
Law Office of Daniel G. O’Donnell, LC
Leaps and Bounds, Inc
Miss Augusta Boat
Missouri Botanical Garden
Narrow Gauge Brewery
Norton’s Fine Art & Framing
PRP Wine International
Reco Development
St Louis Ambush Soccer
St Louis Blues
St Louis Cardinals
St Louis Symphony Orchestra
The Fantasy Shop
The Magic House
Walter Knoll Florist
World Martial Arts Academy
Mr. and Mrs. David Bazzell
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Birch
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Birkner
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Keith Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Boschert
Mrs. Jeanne Buschart
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dozier
Mr. Chip Dozier
Mr. and Mrs. David Dozier
Ms. Jill Edelen
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ellersieck
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Esguerra
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Griffith
Mr. Joseph E. Hallemeier
Mr. John Hilker
Ms. Dian Hilker
Mrs. Barbara Hilker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Howat
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kachevas
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Lancaster
Ms. Erica Land
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leach
Ms. Natalie Mackay
Ms. Molly Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Kean McCurren
Mr. Mike McGowan and Mrs. Pam McGowan
Mrs. Kendall McWilliams
Ms. Jill Miles and Mr. Steve Miles
Mr. Robert Niedergerke and Ms. Mary Alsup-Niedergerke
Ms. Kristen Paez
Ms. Carolee Patek
Mr. John Powelson
Ms. Amanda Quast
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Quinlan
Ms. Molly Renken
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Reprogle
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reuter
Mr. and Mrs. David Robben
Mrs. Beulah Rosenfelder
Mrs. Wendy Sander
Mr. and Mrs. Cort M. Smith
Ms. Sharon Hyatt Stitches for Life
Mrs. Laurie Strickland
Ms. Jennifer Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vetter
Ms. Katie Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Williams
Ms. Sheri Wiltse
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Worth
Mr. Craig Yodis and Ms. Michelle Martin-Yodis
We have made every effort in this list to acknowledge every donor. We apologize for any errors or omissions. For corrections, please contact the Development Office at (636) 970-2800.
Thank You, Donors!
$10,000 and Above
Andrew’s Hugs
Lake Forest Country Club
Mr. and Mrs. David Rozanc, Jr.
$5,000 and Above
Anheuser Busch Matching Gift
Employees Community Fund of Boeing St Louis
Gateway Fire Protection Systems, Inc
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Howat
Ms. Nancy Jeffrey and Mr. Robb Jeffrey
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Johannesman
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leach
Mr. John Seese
$1,000 and Above
Acropolis Investment Management, LLC
Ameren Missouri
Bayer – Matching Gift
BJC HealthCare
Carrollton Bank
Community and Children’s Resource Board of St Charles County
Cuivre River Electric Community Trust
Denny & Associates, Inc
Edward Jones
Everspring Rx
First State Bank
GFI Digital / Gibbs Technology
Hackmann Lawn & Landscape, LLC
Innovation Mechanical, Inc
Jerry Kelly Heating & Air Conditioning
Knights of Columbus – O’Fallon Council No 2269
Mission Solutions Technology
Pickett Ray & Silver, Inc
Progressive Insurance Foundation Matching Gifts
RX Systems, Inc
State Farm Insurance Agency – Janet Grafeman
Ms. Carolyn Balfany and Mr. David Balfany
Mr. and Mrs. David Bazzell
Mr. George Black and Ms. Michael Leigh Harbour
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Boschert
Mr. and Mrs. John Brunner
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Chac
Mr. Rene and Mrs. Kelly Cope
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dent
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dozier
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Fricke
Mr. Jason Gertken and Mrs. Erin Gertken
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hamilton
Mrs. Evelyn Hawthorne
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hoffman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Huning
Dr. and Mrs. John Hylton
Ms. Carolyn Koenig and Mr. Ronald Koenig
Mr. Jeff Lechner and Ms. Erin Lechner
Dr. and Mrs. Mark Lynch
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. McCoy
Mr. Jacob McDowell
Mr. and Mrs. David Millar
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller
Mr. Robert Niedergerke and Ms. Mary Alsup-Niedergerke
Mr. and Ms. Dan O’Donnell
Mr. Robert Oker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Palitzsch
Ms. Carolee Patek
Mr. Zach Plackemeier
Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Randolph
Mr. and Mrs. John Regensburger
Mr. Mark Reuther
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Schneider
Mr. Keith Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Sowatsky
Mr. and Mrs. David Swain
Mr. Bill Tadeja
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vetter
Mr. and Mrs. Cory Weber
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Westphal
Mrs. Tracy Whiteside and Mr. Don Whiteside
Mr. and Mrs. Norman W. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wisor
$500 and Above
Bax Engineering Co
Boone Center Inc.
Beck & Lenox Estate Planning & Elder Law, LLC
Benco Industrial Equipment, LLC
Boeing Employee Individual Giving Program
Integrated Payroll Services
Lang Insurance Service, Inc
Law Office of Daniel G. O’Donnell, LC
Markell Estate Planning and Elder Law
Missouri and Kansas Laborers District Council
Moneta Group, LLC
New Balance Athletic Shoe Matching Gift Program
Pallardy Heating & Cooling
Sams Carpet Service, Inc
St Louis Community Foundation GIVE STL Day
Takeda Employee Match
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Alsup
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Birkner
Ms. Lisa Bray
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Budrovich
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Burke
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cissell
Ms. Julie Clever and Mr. Russ Clever
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Connolly
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Cook
Mr. Darren Daly
Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Delaney
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Donahue
Mr. Chip Dozier
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Duello
Mr. Clay Ebert
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Eisenbath
Mr. Edward Eisenhart
Mrs. Marie Fitz
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Flick
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Foulks
Mr. and Mrs. Kelley Foust
Mr. and Mrs. David Giarla
Ms. Janet L. Grafeman
Mr. James Haftarczyk
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Hampton
Mr. William Hargrove and Ms. Fran Steininger
Ms. Alice Hensen
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hercules
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kachevas
Ms. Heather Kemper
Mr. and Mrs. Derek Kessler
Mr. Will Killeen and Mrs. Shannon Killeen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip King
Mr. and Ms. Ben Likens
Ms. Kim Lorenz and Mr. Tim Lorenz
Mr. James McCurren
Ms. Kim Mertz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyer
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Miller
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mohrmann
Mrs. Gerri Nold
Ms. Amy Palmatier and Dan M. Palmatier
Mr. and Mrs. Dan Peters
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reuter
Mr. Gregg and Mrs. Jodie Schneider
Mr. and Mrs. William Sneed
Mr. Dave Spies and Mrs. Julie Spies
Mrs. Laura Stark
Mr. and Mrs. John Tigges
Mr. Jeffery Walter and Mrs. Mika Walter
Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wansing
Ms. Kristin Williams
Mr. and Mrs. David Woods
$100 and Above
Academy of the Sacred Heart
AmazonSmile Foundation
Armanino Foundation
Baue Funeral Homes
Benevity, Inc
Boschert and Son Homes Inc.
Charleytown Families
Cosmo Corporation
Cottleville/Weldon Springs Chamber of Commerce
Danceabilities School of Dance
Diana Holdinghausen Insurance Agency, Inc.
Family Advocacy & Community Training
Master’s Touch Automobile
O’Fallon Fire Protection District
On the Run @ Mobil
Peoples Bank & Trust
Psychological Network, Inc
Public School House
Reinsurance Group of America – Company Match
Rottler Pest and Lawn Solutions
Sams Carpet Cleaning and Repairs
Scholastic Testing Service, Inc
Scotsman Coin and Jewelry
Siemer Enterprises
Smith Estates & Trusts, LLC
St Charles County
St Charles County Family YMCA
State Farm Companies Foundation Matching Gift
State Farm Insurance – John Wills
STL Shirt Co
UMB Bank
United Services for Children
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Alexander
Mr. and Mrs. David Anderson
Mrs. Julie M. Andrews
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Aubuchon
Ms. Karen Balakas
Mrs. Linda Bannister
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Barclay
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Barkey, Sr.
Ms. MaDonna Barnes
Mrs. Jane Baum and Mr. Ron Baum
Mrs. Betty Beck
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bell
Mr. Richard Bickert and Mrs. Susan Bickert
Ms. Cindy Blaylock
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Keith Bolton
Mrs. Jo Ann Borgmeyer
Mr. Bob Boston
Ms. Jennifer Braden
Ms. Barbara Lee Brown
Ms. Rosemary Bryant
Mr. and Mrs. Blake Buchholtz
Mr. Jason Buescher
Mr. and Mrs. Randal Burkemper
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Burnett
Mr. Stephen Bynum
Mr. Aaron Callihan
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Campbell
Mrs. Virginia J. Cannon
Mr. Mike Caraffa and Mrs. Bev Caraffa
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Carlile
Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Chautin
Mr. James Chilson
Mr. and Mrs. David Christian
Mr. Jordan Christie
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Comotto
Ms. Jennifer Compton
Mr. ‘Andy Conover
Mr. Gregg Cordes
Mr. Kevin Corrigan and Mrs. Katie Corrigan
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dale-Derks
Mr. and Mrs. Charles DeGuire
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Delcourt
Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Denny
Mr. Kevin D. DeSain and Mrs. Nancy Cope DeSain
Mr. and Mrs. John Dishian
Mr. John Ditch
Dr. and Mrs. Bernard J. Dubray
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Duncan
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ebbinghaus
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ehlmann
Mr. and Ms. Jeffry Englert
Ms. Dianne Fields
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Filler
Mr. Mark Francis and Mrs. Tammy Francis
Ms. Lisa Fry
Mr. and Mrs. J. Todd Gentry
Ms. Sherry Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Goode
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Green
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Grieshaber
Mr. and Mrs. David Grieshaber
Ms. Alison Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Grosch
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Haberberger
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hackmann
Mr. Joseph E. Hallemeier
Ms. Abigail Harman
Ms. Angie Harness
Mr. Thomas Harrison
Mrs. Carolyn Harting and Mr. Tim Harting
Ms. Cynthia Hembrough
Ms. Cheryl Hibbeler
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. William Hill
Ms. Tammi Hilton
Ms. Susan Hoernschemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hogan
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hollander
Mr. and Mrs. Alan Honerkamp
Mr. and Mrs. Mathew Howat
Mr. George Hruza
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Hull
Mrs. Ruth E. Huning
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hunt
Mrs. Karin Hyatt
Ms. Jane Janis
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Kahrhoff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keithley
Ms. Gail Kenley
Mrs. Tara Keune
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald King
Mr. and Mrs. Gary Kistner
Mr. Ronald Kloppenburg
Mr. and Mrs. David Kocs
Ms. Margaret Korte and Mr. Arthur Korte
Dr. and Dr. M. Stefan Kosmowski
Mr. and Mrs. John Krekeler
Mr. Jason Kuhl
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kullman
Ms. Erica Land
Mrs. Kathleen Lane
Mrs. Gail Lauer
Mrs. Laraine Lauritzen
Mr. and Mrs. James L. Lawless
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lawson
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Leidholdt
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Leight
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lesniak
Ms. Charlyn Lewis
Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. Liebel
Mr. Keith Liston and Mrs. Jeanne Liston
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lloyd
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lott, II
Ms. Carol Jean Ludwig
Ms. Susan M. Luetkenhaus
Mrs. Genevieve Luetkenhaus Holt
Mr. and Mrs. John Luth
Ms. Mary Macke
Ms. Barber MacKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Mager
Ms. Molly Maher
Mrs. Judy Mahon
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mahoney
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Marfisi
Ms. Jean Marshall
Ms. Joan and Ms. Paula Mass
Mr. and Mrs. Steven D. McGinley
Mr. Mike McGowan and Mrs. Pam McGowan
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McIntyre
Mr. and Mrs. Don Messner
Ms. Jill Miles and Mr. Steve Miles
Ms. Joyce Miller
Mr. Theodore Molitor
Mrs. Ruby Moon
Mr. Bob Moore
Ms. Suzie Moore
Mrs. Debra Morrison and Dr. Stephen Morrison, MD
Mr. Ryan Motts
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Mummert
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Nelson
Ms. Joanne Noble
Ms. Donna O’Donnell
Ms. Kathleen O’Donnell
Ms. Jennifer Overmann
Mr. Joe Pagano and Mrs. Michelle Pagano
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Pashos
Mr. Larry Petralia
Ms. Erin A. Piel
Mr. and Mrs. Brent Pitzer
Mr. Brad Prewitt
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Pund
Mr. Simon Pursifull and Mrs. Vickie Pursifull
Ms. Margo Quinlan
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Quinlan
Mr. and Mrs. Justin Rector
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Reilly
Ms. Barbara Reynolds
Mr. and Mrs. David Robben
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Roesch
Mr. Timothy Ryan
Mrs. Lori Sandy
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schappe
Mr. Jason Schmidt
Mr. Kevin Schmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schmidt
Mrs. Nancy Seals
Ms. Melissa Setser
Mrs. Sue Sharp
Mr. and Mrs. Elliot Sharpe
Mr. and Mrs. Rusty Shelley
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Siders
Mr. and Mrs. James Skellett
Ms. Cimone Skrzekut
Ms. Britani Slade
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson G. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Sommer
Mrs. Gwen Souza
Mr. and Mrs. Tony Spielberg
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Spring
Dr. Nick Stahlschmidt
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard J. Stauder
Ms. Megan Stitt
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Strickland
Mr. Dennis Strickland
Mrs. Laurie Strickland
Mrs. Jeanie Strickland
Mrs. Susan Strickland
Dr. and Mrs. Brian Stufflebam
Mr. Gary Swoboda
Mrs. Janice Tasker
Mr. and Mrs. Jean-Marc Thro
Mr. and Mrs. Arburn Tindall
Ms. Roberta Truetken
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Trumann
Mr. and Mrs. Jason Valvero
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Vineyard
Mrs. Jane Von Elling
Ms. Dolores Wadle
Mr. Ched Wagner
Mr. Richard Wahlbrink
Ms. Linda Wamboldt
Mr. and Mrs. Mitchel Ware
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Watson
Mr. and Mrs. David Weber
Ms. Ruth Wessler
Ms. Juanita Westhues
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Westhues
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Whipple
Mr. Mike Williams
Ms. Sheri Wiltse
Ms. Melissa Winkeler
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Worth
Mr. Ronald Wussler
Mr. Craig Yodis and Ms. Michelle Martin-Yodis
Mrs. Marilyn Young
Mr. Eric Zvanut
$100 and Above
Academy of the Sacred Heart
Anonymous – Legacy Ball
April’s on Main
Bogey Hills Country Club
Boys & Girls Club of St Charles County
City Lifestyle
Craft Alliance Center
Creative Visions Photography
Dale Carnegie Missouri
Endangered Wolf Center
Fast Signs St Peters
G&W Engineering
Gateway Grizzlies
Heiland Chiropractic
Jake’s on Main
Kendra Scott
Law Office of Daniel G. O’Donnell, LC
Leaps and Bounds, Inc
Miss Augusta Boat
Missouri Botanical Garden
Narrow Gauge Brewery
Norton’s Fine Art & Framing
PRP Wine International
Reco Development
St Louis Ambush Soccer
St Louis Blues
St Louis Cardinals
St Louis Symphony Orchestra
The Fantasy Shop
The Magic House
Walter Knoll Florist
World Martial Arts Academy
Mr. and Mrs. David Bazzell
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Birch
Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Birkner
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Keith Bolton
Mr. and Mrs. Michael C. Boschert
Mrs. Jeanne Buschart
Mr. and Mrs. Doug Carson
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Dozier
Mr. Chip Dozier
Mr. and Mrs. David Dozier
Ms. Jill Edelen
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Ellersieck
Mr. and Mrs. Ricardo Esguerra
Mr. and Mrs. Chris Griffith
Mr. Joseph E. Hallemeier
Mr. John Hilker
Ms. Dian Hilker
Mrs. Barbara Hilker
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Howat
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Kachevas
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Lancaster
Ms. Erica Land
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Leach
Ms. Natalie Mackay
Ms. Molly Maher
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher C. McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Kean McCurren
Mr. Mike McGowan and Mrs. Pam McGowan
Mrs. Kendall McWilliams
Ms. Jill Miles and Mr. Steve Miles
Mr. Robert Niedergerke and Ms. Mary Alsup-Niedergerke
Ms. Kristen Paez
Ms. Carolee Patek
Mr. John Powelson
Ms. Amanda Quast
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Quinlan
Ms. Molly Renken
Mr. and Mrs. Steve Reprogle
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Reuter
Mr. and Mrs. David Robben
Mrs. Beulah Rosenfelder
Mrs. Wendy Sander
Mr. and Mrs. Cort M. Smith
Ms. Sharon Hyatt Stitches for Life
Mrs. Laurie Strickland
Ms. Jennifer Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Thompson
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Vetter
Ms. Katie Vogel
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Williams
Ms. Sheri Wiltse
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Worth
Mr. Craig Yodis and Ms. Michelle Martin-Yodis
We have made every effort in this list to acknowledge every donor. We apologize for any errors or omissions. For corrections, please contact the Development Office at (636) 970-2800.