cornhold tournament director giving "knuckles" to the winning team

In 2019, Jamie Roderique, the Director of Employment Services “tossed” a new event idea to the Development Department.  A cornhole tournament to benefit Community Living’s Employment Services program – now that’s a new idea!

So, we created a checklist to make sure this NEW event would be a hit!

A good cause?  Check!

Employment Services is essential to keeping St. Charles County diverse, as Community Living assists individuals with disabilities throughout the lifespan of their career—from research to retention.

Transparency?  Check!

For this event, we wanted to turn it into something that stood out to people – something people of ALL abilities look forward to attending.

Why should you choose this event?

Because Community Living is an excellent steward of the funds, donors in trust us with. We are clear in our communication so donors know WHERE their dollars are going, and WHO their dollars are helping.

Does a fun name equal a fun event? Check & Check!

Once the event started coming together the name seemed to be the hardest part. The event name must stand out. An event ideally in the fall with people tossing bags? TOSStoberfest!

A cornhole tournament would have been fine on its own. However, adding another element would be appealing to even more people. We needed an option for spectators. Since Tosstoberfest was a play on words for Oktoberfest, having Biergarten made the most sense. A Biergarten where local breweries can hand out samples and added a bar for other beverages.

Is food trendy?  Check!

Now we need to fill the players’ and the spectators’ stomachs. Food trucks are as popular as ever. They need a place to sell their food, and we have a place for them to go with hungry people.

Tosstoberfest 2022 is Saturday, October 22nd.

Ready, Set, Toss!

After months of pulling together ideas (and a year delay because of the pandemic) the first Tosstoberfest Cornhole Tournament was held in October of 2021. Going into the second year, we’re excited and confident this event will only continue to grow and bring more awareness to the community about the innovative programs Community Living has to offer.

Don’t delay register your team today and join us on Saturday, October 22nd for Tosstoberfest at the Soccer Barn in Cottleville!

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